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Which Season for your Wedding

Seasons in Nova Scotia ....

The first thing you want to do is think about the date for your wedding. Of course making sure the venue, photographer and Justice of the Peace are available for that date will be important things to consider, but let's look first at the season you prefer.

The Summer Wedding

We live in Nova Scotia .... the weather changes so often it's like watching a baby's expressions when they sleep. Summers can be extremely hot and muggy or wet and damp. When planning a summer wedding remember to consider that in your plans and make changes accordingly.

I have done weddings where I thought the guests would pass out from the sun and humidity and no shade to speak of at all. I have been extremely uncomfortable rushing around trying to capture the best shots and let's just think about the bride wearing that heavy dress and the groom dressed in black. Oh my.

It does rain a lot in Nova Scotia. Not too many days are full days of rain since our weather can change so quickly but whether it rains all day or for an hour, you have to be prepared for it.

It actually poured for much of this wedding so I had to think outside the box (or the pedway in this case) .........

So as a photographer - being creative and finding the interesting shots is a must - the light doesn't get any better than in the pedways in downtown Halifax .........

And don't forget to have plenty of large umbrellas available .........

If you want to have an outdoor wedding ...... be prepared ..... have coolers with water nearby .... have tents that offer shade or shelters in case it rains. It's Nova Scotia. Be prepared for anything including high winds. When it comes to weddings you can't postpone it due to weather so you have to be prepared for anything that can be thrown at you.

This wedding was hot and the mosquitoes almost ate me up .........

Another very hot day - kids know how to cool off .........

On top of the heat there have been weddings where the bugs almost drove me over the edge of insanity. Nova Scotia has become a province full of ticks and they are slowly getting to be everywhere in the province so it's very important to check during and at the end of your day for ticks. I had two on me at one wedding I did. They didn't have a chance to bite but I was pretty scared none the less and very happy that I checked myself for them. Don't get complacent about ticks.

I'm pretty sure this is where I got the ticks .........

Also check where the sun will be in the sky for pictures if it is sunny. Are you going to be staring into the sun for 15 minutes during the ceremony?

Colours for Summer ....

Pretty much anything goes in the summer for colours. Just remember that dark colours heat up faster so if you are thinking it could be warm .... cooler, lighter colours may be a good idea.

Some things not to forget for summer weddings .....

bug spray

cold water




The Autumn Wedding

Beautiful, colourful Fall. Oh how we love this season in Nova Scotia. Fall starts on September 21st but many think it's Fall as soon as the kids head back to school. What we love is that the humidity is finally gone, for the most part, and the trees a re starting to get a bit of colour. The trees in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia seem to peak around Thanksgiving which is close to the middle of October. Don't forget that in the fall we can be hit with hurricanes as well. Hurricane season actually starts in the summer but we generally see the worst of the hurricanes in the fall. We are in NOVA SCOTIA.

It's very important to make sure if you are having a fall wedding and you want it to be outdoors, make sure you have a plan where you can head inside if the weather gets wet or windy. Just remember you have to make sure your guests are aware that there could be a change in plans at the last minute.

One thing that brides often forget this time of year is the shortening of the day. Here is a link so you can look ahead and see what time the sunrise and sunsets are for your date and province

Using the light to your advantage is critical .........

The time of your sunset is important to your photographer for getting pictures after the ceremony and before the reception especially if you are having outdoor pictures taken. And You should allow one full hour to capture all the family groupings, bridal party and bride and groom shots. That does not include travel time so figure out your travel time and add 10 minutes to each end. You don't know what you can run in to on the way. The pictures need to have you relaxed and in great spirits and not worrying about getting back in time. Make sure you provide snacks, drinks, games, etc to keep your guests from leaving while you have your pictures taken.

Make sure you leave time to capture some fun shots .........

Sometimes the candids are the best .........

Colours for Fall ....

For fall your colours can be oranges, yellows, reds, purples, deep blues and greens. Save the pastels for Spring although they can work as well if that's what you prefer.

My favourite colours are found in the Fall .........

Some things not to forget for fall weddings .....

cold water



sweaters or blankets

The Winter Wedding

The Winter wedding may be for the brave - days are short, temperatures can be below zero, there may or may not be snow, backgrounds can be grey - But this is your chance to stand out most. Bold colours for the winter work really well. Christmas is coming and if that's your favourite holiday and you love decorations, the moon is the limit for you.

Winter weddings provide the least amount of light and the most difficult weather, so indoor weddings will work best. Winter weddings require photographers to get real creative. We are working with low light and cold weather. Cameras work better in above zero conditions. The battery can lose strength fast when the temps get real low. And what about the bride and her attendants? Getting from place to place with very little on their arms...... well let's just say BRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

It was really cold but everything was so beautiful .........

Having something to put on your shoulders is a really good idea .........

Make sure you also consider what you are wearing on your feet. Whether there is snow on the ground or the ground is saturated or covered in ice. Walking could be very tricky.

But sometimes in Nova Scotia you can luck into incredible record breaking temperatures for Winter.

Colours for Winter

The Spring Wedding

What can I say ....... Spring can bring out the best in everyone. The trees are turning green, the blooms are all coming out and the bugs aren't too bad yet. The weather is always unpredictable but cloud cover is always nice for pictures. With the bursts of freshness and the greens being incredible .... well your Spring wedding can be amazing.

And with Spring pastels can be a amazing palette.

So no matter what season you choose, there are things you should consider. It's another good reason to meet with your photographer and get some pointers and help. Remember though, a good photographer is prepared to work in all of the conditions a season has in store. So make sure you shop around and get somebody you trust.

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